PetCare Veterinary Clinic

Preventative Care

With our preventative services, your pet will have every reason to live a long and healthy life. At your animal’s yearly wellness checks, PetCare Veterinary Clinic will perform an examination, provide vaccinations, and offer other services to prevent injury and illness down the line.


Your animal’s health will benefit from a yearly examination with one of our veterinarians. Because our pets age faster than we do, annual appointments with a veterinarian are the least we can do to keep them healthy.

At this yearly visit, we will examine your pet’s lung and heart function. Next, we will check the animal’s joints and muscles, as well as its hearing and vision. Our team will take note of any areas of concern and get your pet scheduled for treatment if necessary. If not, we will plan on seeing you both again in a year.

When you are here, be sure to let our team know if you have any questions about your pet’s health. If you have concerns about your animal’s weight, diet, or behavior, let us know. We believe that you are the key to your pet’s wellness and want to facilitate your involvement.


Fortifying your pet against illness is easier when you follow the recommended vaccine schedule. This will vary depending on the species and breed of your animal, but the results are always the same: healthier pets and less money spent on treatment.

For your new puppy, PetCare Veterinary Clinic recommends a complete series of vaccinations. In a year, and every year after, our team will provide these booster shots:

  • Borrelia (protects against Lyme disease)
  • Bordetella (protects against kennel cough)
  • Leptospira (protects against a bacterial infection)

Additionally, we recommend that canines receive vaccinations for rabies and DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus) every three years.

Felines follow their own vaccine schedule. It includes an initial series for kittens and then yearly vaccination against the Feline Leukemia Virus. Every three years, we ask that you bring your cat to be vaccinated for rabies and FVCRP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis.)

If you have questions about your pet’s required vaccinations, give our office a call.

Parasite Prevention

Parasites are more than an inconvenience for your pet. Over time, a parasite can stunt growth, aggravate existing medical conditions, and result in life-threatening infections. To avoid complicated treatment plans and costly bills, prevention is key. Routine examinations and laboratory testing are a great way to start.

There are also a number of preventative medications that protect pets against parasites. The industry’s best dewormers and oral medications can be found in our online store and at our clinic. These products will protect your pet against common parasites, such as:

  • Roundworms, heartworms, hookworms, and tapeworms
  • Ear Mites
  • Ticks
  • Fleas

If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, it is especially vulnerable to these parasites. Give us a call, visit the online store, or stop by our clinic to purchase parasite medication. And if your animal is already infected with a parasite, trust PetCare Veterinary Clinic for caring and professional treatment.


Microchipping has become an industry standard, and for good reason. It is a safe way to ensure that you are reunited with your pet should you ever get separated. Call PetCare Veterinary Clinic for our microchipping services or to learn more about these benefits:

  • The procedure is painless and doesn’t take long at all.
  • Once implanted, the microchip cannot be tampered with and will never need to be replaced.
  • A microchip poses no risk to your personal information as it contains no data except for a reference number.

Once your pet has been microchipped, it can be identified anywhere in the country. So if you like to travel with your animal, you have a built-in safety net.

Nutrition & Weight Management

You probably know that overweight dogs and cats have a lower life expectancy. But did you know these animals are at greater risk of painful joint damage and inflammation? To keep your pet healthy and pain-free, PetCare Veterinary Clinic offers nutrition and weight management services.

Whether you want to prevent pet obesity or need help lowering your animal’s weight, we can help. PetCare Veterinary Clinic’s knowledgeable team can recommend a healthy lineup of pet foods and lifestyle changes. These recommendations will help to reduce your pet’s risk of diabetes, certain cancers, arthritis, and heart disease.

Studies indicate that nearly half of all pets are overweight. Fortunately, your furry loved one doesn’t have to be one of them. PetCare Veterinary Clinic can help you achieve a nutritious and active lifestyle for your pet. Make an appointment today or visit our online store to take a look at our nutritional supplements.

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Phone: 916-791-9599

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